Sunday, February 19, 2012


Between last post and this one, my weight was fluctuating up and then back down. Yesterday when I got on the scale it said 116.8. I was freaking out because I wasn't doing anything different, so I couldn't figure out what was wrong with me. Then this morning when I got back on, I went down. I triple checked it just to make sure. And yesterday was a horrible day with food. When I went to go pick up my youngest, I had my friend with me, and we stopped at Arby's and picked up a couple small things. Problem was, was that I was driving, and I wasn't able to purge it until an hour after the fact. Needless to say, not all of it got purged. Then for dinner last night, I made Toquitos, and turns out, those are one of those foods that is very stubborn to come back up. I felt so sick to my stomach last night. And I was terrified to get on the scale this morning, but I guess it's a good thing I did. I went to Church this morning, which was very insightful. And now I am making Ramen Noodles to eat while little one is taking a nap. I have had laundry in the washer and dryer all morning. My second load is almost dried, then I have 2 more loads to go. I love Sundays because besides cleaning the house, they are pretty relaxing. I do have to go to the grocery store and get some pretty healthy food for the week seeing as my honey's son will be here all week. Then tomorrow, my oldest and I are going to have a craft day and make cookies. I wanted to go for a walk today, but it's gotten pretty chilly outside. My honey believes that if I can start working out again, that I will maybe be able to stop with my ED. I hope he is right. I mean, I have way surpassed my goal for the YEAR and I just want to be toned now. It's so hard getting a chance to work out with both the kiddos though. But who knows. Maybe..

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