Friday, February 3, 2012

I haven't weighed in...

It's been 2.5 days since I weighed in. I'm too scared that I have gained. Although I have been eating a lot healthier, I am still purging it, so I don't know if it makes much of a difference what my intake is. So for today I had a Lean Pocket and half an apple which is a total of 330 calories for the day and it's 1:00pm. Of course I couldn't help but purge them. Yesterday, my mom and I went to Souper Salad for lunch. I made a huge salad, which I didn't purge, but then the soup I had after and the desert I had after, I purged. I actually get quite cranky if I don't purge now. I just hate that feeling of being full. On a side note; Holy Snow Batman!! We have got at least a foot so far. And it's still coming down pretty hard. But I braved it and went to the grocery store. Hopefully I got enough food for the next two weeks. I bought a lot of Healthy Choice microwave meals. Those average around 300 calories each. I also bought a lot of oranges and apples and salad. So I'm making an attempt to at least make sure if I don't purge my food, that it will be healthy. I am making Hearty Ham and Apples for dinner. It has become one of my favorites. And my honey loves it. Of course, I don't know what time he will be home. This new job keeps him gone for long hours. But he seems happy, and that is all that matters to me. I am getting pictures done tomorrow, and I'm kinda nervous about them. But they should come out great because she is an amazing photographer. So I will probably weigh myself in the morning before I leave for those. We will see.

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