Tuesday, February 14, 2012

116 exact

Woohoo!! I am so excited. When I got on the scale this morning, I got off and back on like 3 times to make sure. Yesterday was my first day recording everything I ate, if I purged, my total for each meal, my total intake for the day and then my total output for the day. It's kinda scary when you look at it like that. My honey was actually kinda shocked. I'm hoping to do the same thing today. I haven't ate anything yet and it's 1pm. My oldest had a Valentine's Day party at school, and they had all kinds of food, but I did good and didn't eat anything. I was proud of myself. The only thing I have had at all today was coffee this morning. I even took the boys to McDonald's and didn't buy anything for myself. Yay! Go me! Tonight I'm surprising my honey with a steak dinner, with a baked potato, and a salad. I made him a love CD yesterday, and put it out on the counter last night so he could have it when he went to school early this morning. I didn't even get to see him before he left today, which made me sad. But he sent me a text this morning after I woke up and told me that the CD was wonderful and a few songs made him actually tear up. That made me happy =) But I'm hoping that I can avoid eating anything before dinner. I know that dinner will be more than enough calories for my day. But we will see =)

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