Sunday, March 11, 2012


This is what the scale has been telling me the last two days. Yesterday was an absolutely beautiful day. I wore a dress all day until the evening when it started getting chilly. I never wear dresses. I feel weird and insecure in them. I have such short, fat legs that they don't look good in anything besides jeans. I made french toast yesterday morning with sausage links and eggs. It came out pretty good. I love eggs, but did you know that there is 74 calories in one egg alone. That's if it's poached, which is the way I love to eat them. So since I made a big breakfast and it was around 10:30 when we ate, I decided not eat lunch. So around 6pm last night, I decided to make hamburgers for dinner. I was proud of myself because I didn't follow any recipe and they came out great. It was weird though because I got full so quick on them. And with this cold that I have, it makes it so painful to purge (not that, that stops me). So all together yesterday, I probably consumed 1,000 calories, but purged every last bit of it. Since it's been so nice this last week or so, I have been trying to go for a walk everyday. Except yesterday, I decided to go on a walk at last minute, and I was wearing flip flops, so now I have blisters on my toes. It's supposed to be 63 degrees today, but at the moment, it's pretty cloudy. The time change screwed with me a little bit, but actually the boys slept in because of it. My youngest has had the stomach flu and this nasty cold that I have, so I put the humidifier in the boys' room, and it's helping my youngest sleep, which is good. Both kids are cranky today, but I'm hoping we can still get out of the house and go for a walk or go to the park or something. I have been putting off folding laundry for 2 days now, and now I have 3 loads to fold. And put diapers away. But honestly, I just want to crawl under the blankets with some warm tea and get rid of this freaking cold. One thing that has been eating at me lately is how I go out of my way to help people, take them and get their stuff, pack my kids up in the car to run them around, offer to watch their kids if they need it, but then when it comes down to me getting a little help so I can either rest of what not, none of those people are anywhere to be found. I bet I could have kicked this cold at least a couple days ago had I been able to get some rest. Ok, well now I'm done ranting. I'm going to go do laundry.

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