Thursday, March 1, 2012


That's what my scale has said the last two mornings. It's only 8:30 and I'm already blogging. I got up at 4:15 this morning to take my youngest in for eye surgery. Things went well, he is just super tired from the drugs they gave him. Weird fact; every person has two eye ducts in their eyes, one on top and one on bottom. Turns out my son's top one NEVER formed. The surgeon said he's only seen a handful of those. But he said it's nothing too worrisome. It's already been a long day and it's barely started. I have to pick up my oldest form school in 3 hours, so I am going to attempt a nap before then. I'm starving, have been since I woke up. I was going to go out for breakfast, but turned it down last minute. I hate going out to eat with people seeing as it's pretty obvious that I go to the bathroom and purge my food right after I finish eating. I can't wait til I get home to purge because then that's way too many calories that have made it through my system. I am kinda shocked to see myself below 115. Happy, but shocked. I've been doing quite a bit of crunches and sit-ups to tone my tummy. If it wasn't so chilly outside today, I would take the boys for a walk. I am so ready for summer and hot heat to get here. I hate the cold. It's miserable and inconvenient. I'm going to finish deep cleaning and organizing the rest of the house later. On Tuesday, I spent 10 hours cleaning and organizing, which was good, because it kept me from eating all day. That's a comforting thought. That way I'm not stressing over if something didn't get purged or the anxiety of eating something that has WAY too many calories in it. Well I'm off to go take a quick nap and continue with the rest of my day. I hope my baby is feeling better when he wakes up.

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