Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Almost a whole pound down

I weighed in at 105.2 this morning. Yay! I worked out last night after I put the boys to bed. It feels amazing knowing I can do 200 crunches now without it hurting at all or struggling with it. I also didn't eat dinner. I wasn't hungry by the time T got home from work. These late nights he is working sucks though. He has been doing 12 hour days. I know he is looking forward to the paychecks, but I'm getting lonely. When he's not here, I'm left alone with my depression and anxiety. I had an anxiety attack last night thinking about this whole Tennessee ordeal. But not about the money like any normal person would. I was freaking out about how I'm going to handle my ED around my dad. Now that him and his wife know, I don't want them to say anything to me or it to cause a fight. It's not something that should be brought up in an everyday conversation. That is a lot of time to spend with the two of them. I can't decide whether or not I want to get a separate hotel room than them. It would be nice to have that privacy to myself, but it would be a lot cheaper just to share a room. But like T says, I still have 4 months to decide. If I do go, we would be leaving the 15th of August. That's T's birthday. On a different note, despite me not eating dinner last night, it is almost 11am and I am still not hungry. I had 50 calories with my coffee this morning. I have errands I have to do after I pick up my oldest from school, and I was planning on just getting him a happy meal from McDonalds. I have a hard time getting him food though because then I want to get a small fry and Lord knows I don't need it. Plus now that I have lost almost another pound, I really don't want to do anything to screw that up. But we will see how the rest of the day plays out. I'm feeling quite optimistic today. Let's hope I can keep that up. Much love.
XOXO Katie

1 comment:

  1. Well done! :) The feeling of not being hungry is sooo good!! Keep up that control! xx
